How to Become a Superhost: Secrets of Successful Airbnb Management

How to Become a Superhost: Secrets of Successful Airbnb Management

When it comes to entering the world of short-term rental management, Airbnb should be high on your list of platforms to use.

With more than 150 million users who have already made more than one billion bookings, saying it's a lucrative option would be an understatement.

Within the world of Airbnb management, becoming a superhost means adding your vacation rental to the crème de la crème of hosts on the platform.

Keep on reading to learn all about becoming an Airbnb Superhost, and enjoying the added benefits of increased search visibility and much more.

Airbnb Management 101: Fair Pricing

Let's not kid ourselves, pricing is everything when it comes to managing an Airbnb. The price per night is one of the first things people look at when deciding where to stay.

Not only would it be more difficult to fill rooms if you charge too much, but your guests will also have greater expectations and will be less forgiving if you fall short of their expectations.

But if your pricing is too low, you may attract more customers but it'll be a loss in profits for you.

How do you figure out what the right price is? You can quickly figure out how much to charge by looking at the prices of similar Airbnb short-term rentals and nearby hotels.

Showcase Everything Using Realistic Pictures

To get people to come, it's important to have pictures that look good. But it's also important that they plainly show the property.

Try to take shots of each room that shows what it looks like.

Of course, you'll want the pictures to look good. At the same time, you'll want to prioritize 'realism' here. Basically, you want your guests to come in and feel like the pictures they saw accurately mirror your place.

Start by making the room look nice, take a picture, and learn more about how to market your rental. It's as simple as that.

Prioritize Property Maintenance

Property maintenance is not up for discussion at all.

As the owner of a short-term rental, you can't ignore how important it is to keep your home in good shape.

If you go to your rental property at least once every six months, you can take care of small problems before they turn into big ones that hurt your business.

Vetting Is Key

Before letting people into your home, it's a good idea to learn more about them.

As an Airbnb host, you'll want to check out what other hosts have said about your guests and their reviews. If they're first-time Airbnb users, you should ask them about themselves and what they have planned for their trip.

Vacation Property Management: The Airbnb Edition

Those who want to become Airbnb hosts just need to charge a fair price, talk to possible guests clearly, and get good reviews, which will lead to more bookings.

Airbnb management is similar to how you manage your vacation property for short-term leasing. But, if you'd rather leave it to the pros and watch your profits stream into your account while sipping mojitos on the beach, we've got you covered.

Sign up for a free consultation today, and PMI Marathon will ensure that your Greensboro property is ready for renters.
