5 Essential Tips for Managing Your Greensboro Vacation Rental Bookings and Reservations

5 Essential Tips for Managing Your Greensboro Vacation Rental Bookings and Reservations

Are you the sole manager of your vacation rental property? Are you overwhelmed by all the admin duties that fall on your shoulders?

Owning a short-term rental can be a great source of extra income. Unfortunately, if you spend more time managing bookings and reservations than you'd like, the profit becomes less than ideal.

Thankfully, there are ways you can make this job more manageable. You have more time to focus elsewhere once you manage your Greensboro vacation rental less. Keep reading to learn five superb ways to lighten your rental responsibility load.

1. Have an Availability Calendar

No matter where you advertise your short-term vacation rental property, one way to make your booking process more manageable is to offer an availability calendar. If you've used an OTA (online travel agency) before to book a trip, you'll have seen an availability calendar in action.

This calendar is accessible 24/7 and displays dates that your rental unit is available or booked. This way, guests don't have to contact you directly to enquire about available travel dates.

2. Use Short-Term Property Management Software

One of the easiest ways to make your life easier when managing a vacation rental is to use short-term property management software. This software can be loaded onto a PC or downloaded as a software management app for your smartphone.

Short-term property management software has features for not only managing bookings and reservations but also giving your guests a better overall experience by, for example, improving communication channels.

3. Get Automated

When you manage your vacation rental, automating as much as possible can make your job more manageable. For example:

  • Sending out automatic invoices: Saves you time and hassle of manually sending invoices to each guest
  • Sending pre-check-in emails: Keeps you organized and ensures that your guests have all the information they need

4. Hire a Short-Term Property Management Company

Hiring a short-term property management company is another excellent way to take the responsibilities of managing bookings and reservations off your shoulders. Instead, when you hire a property management company, they assign you a personal property manager. This manager will take over duties like managing guest reservations and other administrative tasks.

5. List Your Vacation Rental Properly

Finally, when you don't have an excellent listing for your vacation rental property, this can leave guests with many questions. To find answers to their inquiries, they will message you as the host. Answering the same questions over again with each guest can get tedious and take up time.

For this reason, ensuring you have a solid listing with as much relevant information as possible is vital. This way, the guests will have fewer questions and move straight to booking their stay.

Managing Bookings and Reservations in a Snap

Managing bookings and reservations when you own a short-term rental property can be manageable if you approach it correctly. Creating a solid listing allows you to answer many guests' questions before they ask, freeing up more time.

Hiring a short-term property manager can also take the responsibilities off your shoulders. Finally, try to automate as much as possible by using technology.

If you'd like to enlist the services of a top-quality, full-service, short-term rental property in Greensboro, consult with us today. We utilize state-of-the-art technology and are waiting to make your life easier today.
